Danos Foundation has contributed greatly to our efforts in providing support to our community, specifically to those families whose children are born with serious medical conditions. Thank you to the Danos organization and to the Danos family.
$13K Raised - THANK YOU Houma!
We welcome all fitness levels from the avid runner to the casual walker. This is a stroller friendly and pet friendly race.
All procceds benefits local families whose newborn infants are admitted to TGMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Please join us for our 12th Annual Super Cooper 5K race.
Over the last 12 years the proceeds we’ve raised have provided medical and social care to over 1900 families whose new born babies were unexpectedly admitted to the Terrebonne General Medical Center – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). We are requesting your assistance in sponsoring this event and supporting our worthy cause. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
The Registration "Super Cooper 5K 2018 - HOUMA" is not currently available.
Danos Foundation has contributed greatly to our efforts in providing support to our community, specifically to those families whose children are born with serious medical conditions. Thank you to the Danos organization and to the Danos family.
Thanks Billy Simmons! You always help out the Super Cooper 5K!
Speacial thanks to the great folks over at South Louisiana Bank...Ayeee. :-)
Sea Support Ventures, LLC and Opie & Reanna Pitre, have been proud supporters for many years. We thank you!
Special thanks to the Twisted Sisters for all they do for our community.
Special thanks to Zachary Meeks for his support over the years. His company, iBodyworks, is helping so many enjoy running pain free.
A huge thanks to the Sontheimer's and the entire Sonoco family. We appreciate your involvement with our race!
Super special thanks goes out to Liz Thomas and the HUB International family for the many years of support. We cannot thank you enough!
Very special thanks to The Trussell family for their generosity in supporting our cause.
Special thanks to the Bourgeois' for always being a huge part of our race.
Special thanks to our good friend Shull Autin and his continued support.
Special thanks to our good friend, Dalton LeBlanc for not only supporting our race, but also participating in it year after year.